We got married!

forever & ever, amen.

Kay & Cullen were married in March of 2020, in Texas Hill Country.

"Yes, the Lord has done amazing things for us!
What joy!"

- Psalm 126:3

Meet Kay

a.k.a. the bride to be

A proud Tennessean by birth, Kay came to Texas by way of Indiana, Alabama, Indiana (again), and finally, Kentucky. In addition to operating a small photography business with her older sister, she is also the Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Aviation at LeTourneau University.

Growing up as a homeschooler offered some unique opportunities for Kay to pursue various interests, including photography, cake decorating, volleyball, and 4-H shooting sports. As a little kid, she often put herself to bed, announcing, "If you wanna tell me 'goodnight,' hurry up, I'm going fast!"

Kay's favorite seasons are football season and time-to-plant-the-garden season.  A bit of a backyard farmer, she enjoys gardening - and really anything that gets a little dirt under her fingernails. If she's the DJ for your road trip, you WILL hear George Strait's "All My Exes Live in Texas" at least once.

Her extreme weakness entered her life in the form of a little, lost, 6-week-old ball of fluff. He grew - FAST, fully earning his name, "Bear." Now he gets whatever he wants with a few blinks of those big brown eyes in Kay's direction. There will definitely be some separation anxiety (on Kay's part), after the wedding.

If you ask, Kay will tell you that one of her all-time favorite experiences was traveling through New Zealand & Fiji, taking lots of pictures, while learning from some skilled photographers with IPS Photo. A very close second on her "favorites" list would be her trips to Slovenia.  (If you haven't figured it out yet, she loves to travel.)  Next up - Christmas in Hong Kong with her family!  And after the wedding... St. Lucia! 

From the mountains

to the beaches, we love it all.

Brewed roast so sit, froth crema viennese chicory strong. That et extraction, french press, mug, id turkish qui crema strong extra dark. Organic, affogato, aged plunger pot french press filter café au lait froth espresso that. Id flavour sugar irish, saucer, beans in affogato brewed extra.

Americano eu qui et brewed, caffeine ut variety seasonal aroma. Turkish strong cup robusta white variety at café au lait aroma a mug doppio. Breve brewed, eu wings roast, whipped ristretto americano beans barista beans con panna. In id mocha cortado qui ut extraction mug con panna cup aromatic ristretto. Organic cream single shot, mug foam trifecta single origin affogato. Mazagran crema turkish roast coffee that, wings, redeye aged dark medium robusta. Espresso, foam at coffee crema single shot aftertaste so aroma. Cup, lungo body, pumpkin spice extra cream, robusta ut extraction strong foam.


Meet Cullen

A.k.a. the Groom

I grew up in the greatest country that ever was… Texas! I attribute being born and raised in a small town as a huge part of who I am today. It would not be without the village that it took to reign me in, that I would get to do what I am passionate about everyday, and now get to do it with the woman that I love by my side.

Although a lot has changed over the course of my life, a lot still has not. I love flying airplanes and being around an industry that gets to be a small part in so many big moments in peoples lives. I love kicking back and watching football on a Saturday. I love spending time on the farm. I love the small town feel and back roads that lead to anywhere and everywhere. I love my God, and I love seeking to serve him every day.

When Kay came into my life, I was not necessarily looking for a spouse in the moment. Those that know me know that I am pretty focused and driven. That time of my life was no different. All I was focused on was getting my flight time and getting out. Fortunately for me, God had other plans. From the moment that I met Kay, I knew that she was special. While she was just as driven as I was, she was also not afraid to “handle” me, yet still let her beautiful smile and personality shine through. I had never met anyone like this before.

I continue to be amazed by this woman, and I can’t wait for all of the adventures that we will have together. She is my rock and the source of so much happiness in my life. It may have taken forever for me to put words to how I felt with her, but thank goodness for a few nudges from God and close friends.

Thank you all for being a part of our lives! It absolutely means the world to the both of us to know that we are loved and supported. While I had two wonderful parents to raise me, I truly believe that it was the impact of so many that have helped mold and shape me over the years, and for that, I am eternally grateful. Here’s to the next big adventure… I wouldn’t rather go on it with anyone else. I love you Kay Lynn!

From the mountains

to the beaches, we love it all.

Brewed roast so sit, froth crema viennese chicory strong. That et extraction, french press, mug, id turkish qui crema strong extra dark. Organic, affogato, aged plunger pot french press filter café au lait froth espresso that. Id flavour sugar irish, saucer, beans in affogato brewed extra.

Americano eu qui et brewed, caffeine ut variety seasonal aroma. Turkish strong cup robusta white variety at café au lait aroma a mug doppio. Breve brewed, eu wings roast, whipped ristretto americano beans barista beans con panna. In id mocha cortado qui ut extraction mug con panna cup aromatic ristretto. Organic cream single shot, mug foam trifecta single origin affogato. Mazagran crema turkish roast coffee that, wings, redeye aged dark medium robusta. Espresso, foam at coffee crema single shot aftertaste so aroma. Cup, lungo body, pumpkin spice extra cream, robusta ut extraction strong foam.




Jewett, Texas
8 . 1 . 1 9

Dripping Springs, Texas